Build A Madrasah

Help Build A Madrasah In Nigeria To Accommodate 200 People

Madrasatul Hudaa in Nigeria, needs your help to build a 2-storey madrasah to accommodate the ever growing population in some villages.  Your donations will help us fulfil our promise to the this community.

You can reap the rewards of building a place of worship by donating to build this madrasah in a loved one’s name as Sadaqa Jariyah. There is immense reward for facilitating a place of worship where Allah is remembered.

Gaining knowledge and helping others to acquire knowledge in a madrasah is considered to be the best charity. It is narrated by Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“….amongst those things that please Allah, is the remembrance of Him and the religious schools and seekers of knowledge.”
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Donation Total: $100.00