Build a Masjid

Build a Masjid and Allah will Build you a House in Jannah

Maximise your Sadaqah Jariyah rewards by making a mosque donation towards this worthy cause. This simple structure will house worshippers, while you earn the rewards that are promised.

“Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.”

This hadith of the Prophet Muhamad (PBUH), reported by Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim guarantees this. Imagine your house ready and waiting for you in Jannah. Alhamdulillah, what more can we hope for? And all because, today you decided to help towards building a mosque.

The Importance of Prayer at a Mosque

Praying salaah in a masjid does much to instil brotherhood and a sense of community, but the spiritual rewards of praying salaah in congregation is much greater. The famous hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad recorded by Sahih Bukhari (Sahih Al Bukhari 1: Ch 21, Hadith 1190):

“A prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque is given the reward of 500 prayers elsewhere, while a prayer in the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah earns the reward of 1000 prayers, and in the Haram inMakkah a prayer is given a reward equal to that of 100,000 prayers.” Subhanallah!

It is further noted that a prayer at any mosque is the equivalent of 27 prayers elsewhere. Your mosque donation will increase the rewards of a worshipper twenty-seven times; and your rewards too, In Sha Allah. Donate Now.

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Donation Total: $100.00