We Help around the world

Introduse Our Campains

Support A Child’s Education

Support Child Education We believe in empowering children through education and healthcare. We build schools and madrasas to give children a fighting chance against poverty. Our education initiatives facilitate the platform that poor children need for their...

Give Water to the Needy

Why Donate Water? The humanitarian rationale for donating water needs no introduction. There are numerous ahadith on the virtues of giving people water. Among which is a narration by Sa’d ibn ‘Ubada (radi allahu anhu), who said: “Messenger of Allah! Umm Sa`d my...

Feed the Poor in Ramadan

During the nights of Al Qadr, our good deeds are multiplied. In the last 10 days of Ramadan, what better way than to donate your sadaqa jariya? Multiply your continuous reward and create a lasting legacy of blessings.  Allah says in Quran: “The Night of Decree is...

Build a Masjid

Build a Masjid and Allah will Build you a House in Jannah Maximise your Sadaqah Jariyah rewards by making a mosque donation towards this worthy cause. This simple structure will house worshippers, while you earn the rewards that are promised. “Whoever builds a mosque...

Build A Madrasah

Help Build A Madrasah In Nigeria To Accommodate 200 People Madrasatul Hudaa in Nigeria, needs your help to build a 2-storey madrasah to accommodate the ever growing population in some villages.  Your donations will help us fulfil our promise to the this community....