Support A Child’s Education

Support Child Education

We believe in empowering children through education and healthcare. We build schools and madrasas to give children a fighting chance against poverty. Our education initiatives facilitate the platform that poor children need for their educational development in clean and safe environments.

Donate for Child Health

We ensure that children at our schools or madrassas do not go on an empty stomach. We run programmes that enable children to have breakfast when they arrive at school. This is sometimes the only full meal these children have throughout the day. We also take care of the healthcare needs. This involves initiatives with local hospitals, so our children can access medical care.

Help us make a difference to the lives of children in Africa, who can only dream of education. We build the schools, take care of the fees and their healthcare needs. But we need you support to help children in Africa. Donate, or fundraise to enable a child to have an education. This is the most powerful gift you can give to a child.

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Donation Total: $100.00