Serving the most vulnerable and marginalised people in Africa

Healthy Food

We distribute food to the poor, orphans, widows and the elderly throughout the year

Clean Water

Providing water wells are Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity) for as long as the well supplies water – even after one’s death.

Build Masjid

Maximise your Sadaqah Jariyah rewards by making a mosque donation towards this worthy cause.

Support Child Education

We believe in empowering children through education and healthcare.


Many Children in
Nigeria Need Educational Support

Safe + Easy Donations

Helping Today. Helping Tommorow

Al-Farouk Humanitarian Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in April, 2022.
The organization mission is to render assistance to people with disabilities, orphans and health challenges. The organization aims to bring hope to the depressed through empowered program and to promote authentic teaching of islam by facilitating the construction of mosques and teaching centers.

Feed the Poor

We distribute food to the poor, orphans, widows and the elderly throughout the year. We feed an average of around 2,000 to 3,000 people in Ramadan alone. We deliver food packages to rural villages in northern part of Nigeria for the poor who are eligible to receive zakah.

Build a Masjid

Build a Masjid and Allah will Build you a House in Jannah Maximise your Sadaqah Jariyah rewards by making a mosque donation towards this worthy cause. This simple structure will house worshippers, while you earn the rewards that are promised.

Give Water – Save Lives

The humanitarian rationale for donating water needs no introduction. There are numerous ahadith on the virtues of giving people water. Among which is a narration by Sa’d ibn ‘Ubada (radi allahu anhu), who said: “Messenger of Allah! Umm Sa`d my mother died, what is the best charity (on her behalf)?” The Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasalam) replied: “Water.” So Sa’d dug a well and said: “This is for Umm Sa’d.“ If you wish to donate to this project and multiply your rewards by investing in the best charity you can possibly give. Water. Do not delay, donate now and give water to the needy.